Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Research Associate Interview (Analytical Chemist) a.k.a researcher #TipsInterview


Ptg ini sis terpanggil utk berkongsi sedikit tips dengan kalian, perihal temuduga ku baru baru ini(tidak baru sebenarnya: OCTOBER 2015, lama dh laaa woot) gini yaa ceritanya, jawatan yg sis pohon itu, namanya, Research Associate (Analytical Chemist) dan Alhamdulillah dipanggil utk sesi temuduga. 10 org dipanggil, hanya perlu 4 org. (2 #analyticalchemist dan 2 #organicsynthesischemist)

Jadi nama companynya sis rahsiakan ler (OXXXXXX Pharma). sebab sis nak share soalan apa yg di tanya ni.

Industry: pharmaceutical, company masih baru di Malaysia, based oversea. lab semua pun tak siap lagi, jd buat research dulu sekaranng.

Sesi interview ada 2:
1)bertulis- objektif dan subjektif.
2) Oral- face to face.

Nasihat sis,
untuk interview lisan : semua tentng fundamental, theory and general knowledge.. jadi otak kena penuh, dada kena penuh, dgn ilmu. jgn pergi kosong rilex2 ye, depa tak tanya pun common soalan HR tanya tu, satu je solan common HR iaitu, BRIEFLY DESCRIBE ABOUT YOURSELF, yg lain SEMUA TEORI, ILMU KIMIA, BASIC FUNDAMENTAL uolssssss. Semua tentang ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 😍😍😍😍😝

Sis cuma nak share soalan objektif & subjektif yg ditanya semasa ujian bertulis tu je :)) mana tahu membantu. Sis simplify soalan yg pjg tu jd mcm kt bwh ye:

Question Objective

1 what is molality
2 frequency of UV VIS Spectroscopy
3 What idea we will get from IR spectroscopy
4 Finger print area range for IR
5 The only nuclei that exhibit the NMR phenomenon are those for which the spin quantum number I is...

6 What idea will get by Mass Spect?
7 Principal of HPLC based on law?
8. Which compound can be generally analyzed by GC
9. '' " " HPLC
10 Difference between TLC & HPLC
11 HPLC & GC can give ideas about?

12 pH of compound means?
13 what is pKa value of compound?
14 Generally pH solution is...
15 Molarity of solution is
16 What is Normality of 1M H2SO4 solution

17 Stationary phase in HPLC is
18 What is reverse phase chromatography
19 Specific optical rotational of compound is measured by what instrument?
20 metal analysis used what instrument?

Subjective (5 Marks each)

1 Components of HPLC
2 Types of chromatography
3 Difference between silica used in TLC & HPPLC column.

4 Role of Analytical development in R&D of Pharmaceutical company

5 Types of titration
6 Various kind of indicators
7 Diff Kind of detector used in GC
8 Wht is means by calibration of instrument
9 Carrier gas in GC, gas generally used?

10 What analytical technology involve in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient(API) evaluation?
11 what is ICH? its purpose in pharma company?
12 How do you differentiate between Analytical Development Lab (ADL) and QC?

Score (per 100%)

Basically ni soalan macam dalam syllabus diploma in Sc for CHM 260 & CHM 256 (since I used to teach DiS student)

Itu saja sis nak kongsi untuk post kali ni..

Selamat maju jaya:)

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